In Drupal You can Installing module using command line with Composer, Drush, and Drupal cosnsole In this blog We can see how to install module from the command line using drush To Install modules using drush, Use below drush dl MODULE_NAME this command download drupal module, for enable this module use below command drush en...
It is Free and Open Source It Is Easy to Use Gorgeous Admin panel for non technical clients It Is Easy To Customize Customizing through Admin panel Customizing through codes Plug and play There are many kinds of plugins and themes are available in market which you can use directly. We can implement any kind...
Blogger is the blogging platform provided by Google. There are lots of ongoing arguments about which is better. Our view is that they simply suite different needs. Blogger is free, it is connected with Google account and connected with all of Google’s social platforms like Google+ and more. The big thing is, you can monitor...
Laravel comes up with Eloquent and enables developer to make complex queries with ease. This refrains developers from checking what actually happens behind the scene. But if we don't take time to check which queries are being executed, we will never understand how system works and identify steps to improve queries to run and load...
When we deploy laravel application on production, performace of an application becomes highest priority. Real users are going to use application and site may loose interest if it takes time to respond to users' requests. Laravel offers many optimization methods for cache optimization, query optimization, server tweaking etc. But in this blog, I will outline...
In this blog, We will outline use of composer as a dependency manger for Drupal modules and themes. Below command is used for downloading modules at the root folder of your Drupal installation $ composer require drupal/<MODULE_NAME> You can use either the project name, or the specific module name within a project when requiring a...
Now we can track each news and events of WordPress community from our WordPress dashboard. WordPress community is vast and growing quickly. Considering this growth, WordPress integrated a widget "WordPress Events and News widget" in the core to show WordPress community about nearby events. Just enter your country or city name, all nearby events will...
WordPress 4.8 was released just few months back. It was the first major WordPress release of 2017. In this article, we out-line useful features came in WordPress 4.8. Core Image Widget Till WordPress 4.7, if you want to show image in theme sidebar, either we have to write code or use a some external plugins. WordPress...
php artisan migrate:fresh We all are familiar with refresh command. This will allow us rollback and re-run all migrations. This helps when we need to re-build database in development. Coming to Laravel 5.5, migration fresh command introduced. This will skip all down method or rollback methods, will simply drop all tables, then run through up...